Class of 1953


**Classmate Comments**

Words cannot express how excited I am about our reunion. A 50th anniversary celebration for the Class of '53 became a dream of mine during the 2000 All School Reunion. Thanks to John Marse, Jim Persefield and Jim Shearer who stepped forward at that time saying they would help me. As we began to plan many others offered help and encouragement to make it a reality. I am pleased so many classmates responded and look forward to seeing each and everyone of you!
    Carolyn Huggins Hollis

Wayne this is a terriffic website.and I am most gratefull for your maintaining the names of all attendees. It is a tremendous help to me in preparing all name badges. I am very excited about our reunion. It is like waiting for Santa Claus when we were children. I truly look forward to seeing everyone after these many years.
Regards, Jim Persefield.

Thanks for the comments about the names, Jim, but its really John that does all the work.
I am posting this article that my son sent me so that all of my non-speller friends will not hesitate to email me their comments.

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't  mttaer In
waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that
frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses
and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed
ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

Hpapy seplling!!

Wayne,      The Web page is a great way of hearing from people.    I appreciate your expertise and know the time it takes to set it up.     I especially want to include my thanks to all the committee   and to Carolyn Hollis for being a top notch chairman.   Her time and hours on the phone contacting friends   is appreciated by the committee and myself.    I am looking forward to  seeing  and getting hugs from every one.   I.J. West

It has been such fun hearing from so many of you with information about your lives for our "Memory Book".  It sounds like there are going to be quite a lot of us back for our reunion and isn't it going to be fun? I hope if you will encourage anyone who has not made their reservations to do so.  They'll be missed if they aren't there!

Jeri Anglin Wesley

I remained at PHS one year after all of you graduated.  I married in the summer of 1953, and we were transferred to Lubbock in 1954.  I taught English and Speech at Lubbock High school.  Yes, I became a Westerner, but I have to admit that first pep rally was traumatic.  Later I taught English at Pecos High School and Speech at Roswell Community Junior College.  After my divorce in 1966, I returned to Plainview and back to PHS.  I taught English IV for for twelve years and was the librarian for fourteen years.  I retired in 1993 with forty-three year experience in a field that I loved. 
I have two children.  My son Bill works for Hanover Energy Company in Wyoming, and my daughter Kim lives at Kress with her husband and two daughters.  The granddaughters are my pride and joy.   They keep me up to date with what is happening in schools today. 
When I retired, I planned to travel as much as my budget would allow.  I did make trips to Israel, England, the British Isles, and New York City.  I have been blessed with excellent health, but osteoarthritis has stopped my traveling.  It seems to be determined to destroy my joints one by one.
Both hips have been replaced, and now the surgeons are just waiting for me to give them permission to replace my right shoulder.  Could I have worn it out writing on those blackboards or paddling John Marse when he was in the fifth grade?  (He committed a terrible offense--he called me Betty)  I have been called much worse since!  The destruction of the vertebrae in my lower back causes the most pain and is the worst since at this time surgery is not an option.  I now stay busy reading, e-mailing friends, doing a little work on my family history, volunteering, and enjoying friends and family. 
I know all of you will enjoy this reunion.  I graduated in 1943 from PHS, and we are having our sixtieth reunion in October.  We have lost so many since our fiftieth reunion, that I say to you enjoy each other now.  Have fun telling all those things that you got away with in my classes that get   funnier each time you tell them.   Betty Brown McGhee

Oh to be 18 years old again!  But, guess what, I get to do just that next weekend when I make it back to Plainview for our Reunion.  I consider this to be a chance of a life time and am so excited that I get this opportunity to see high school classmates.  This old grandma is anxious to shed all those extra pounds, the gray hair, the creaky joints and all the ailments that plague the elderly,  and revert back to the days when we didn't have a care in the world except passing Mrs. Dunn's civics class.  Where did that come from - see, I remember more than I thought I could.  Civics?  Looking forward to seeing all of you.  If you don't recognize me or remember me, just fake it and say "Oh its just wonderful to see you and you look just like you did when you were 18".   Patsy Harris Middleton
Thanks for the wonderful web-site Wayne.
Even though I missed that final year of 53, " I was in a great rush to get started with my life", I am really looking forward to seeing everyone again. Of course my short term memory is beginning to go, but I still have great and clear memories of our school days. Loved the pictures, I didn't recognize anyone in the group pictures, but they are great. See you soon.
Gene Strickland Watson

I want to Thank You   for the web site that we can read the latest  about the reunion .    I have enjoyed the pictures and am really wondering and stretching my  brain to see if I can recognize anyone.    This has really been somthing that I am looking forward to....even though I really havn't  kept up with many  over the years.   Like many , I really didn't think it important.    As the years roll on , I have learned that the many friendships that I had as a young person are important .   I was in D.E. and worked  half days and wasn't really able to participate in many of the school activities, however have never  forgotten  school days.    It will  be interesting to see  , from the biographys , what an impact  our class made on the world.  I can hardly wait.   Thanks to each of you who have spent so many hours putting this together. Molly Inmon Huffman

From the desk of
Molly and Charles Huffman
Lockney, Texas

Wayne--can't thank you enough for all your time and trouble in getting the webpage up and running for us!  It is great, and so fun to read about what's going on in Plainview each day.  Reading the comments from everyone brings back memories instantly--well "almost instantly".
For once, I'm glad I finally learned to use email, and open webpages on the computer--Has made all the tedious time learning worthwhile!  Looking forward to Friday.  Thanks again,      Betty Jo Bumpus Herring

Wayne, having done a bit of puterism myself,I realize the  trouble and torment you have indulged in creating the site for us. We,.of the class of  53, appreciate the effort and  this old navy cowboy ,for one, is looking forward to  the reunion and seeing  how  "young" all  have stayed plus the pleasure of  learning if  any  or  few  attained  the  goals  they   started  with   back  all  those many   years ago.

Leon Martin

Wayne, just wanted to thank you again for everything and to tell you how much fun it was to see you again. 

Van Gough said that "a fine picture was equilivant to a good deed".  Well, you have many good deeds under your belt!  Everyone has enjoyed the website so much.  I hope there can be even more pictures put on it before it has to go away.

Was there a cost involved in doing this?  If so, I would be glad to help you with it if you will just let me know.

I just thought our reunion could not have been more perfect.  It was such fun to renew old acquaintances and reminise about our high school memories.  My grandmother (who lived to be 98) told me one time that when you got old, all you had left were your memories so be sure and make a lot of good ones!  This weekend was a very good one!

Jeri Wesley