(n.) Short for Web log, a blog is a Web page that serves as a publicly-accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author.
Naaaaaaaa! Actually its a sneeky way for me to get back at the culprits that voted me out of office in the "Ipso Facto" debate club...when they can't talk back...that is unless they attend the reunion...hehehe. They know who they are, but the rest of you will have to attend the reunion to get "the rest of the story". ;-)See, not all 3's are backwards. ;-)
SEP 8, 03, 10:29 AM-- I added a link to the Plainview Herald. If mohamed can't go to the mountain then we will bring the mountain to mohamed......so to speak. (Course, anyone that sent a letter to the editor.....who knows.) :)
SEP 8, 03, 6:30 PM--We just had some additions to the Who page. Keep them cards and letters (and checks) coming folks.
SEP 9, 03, 7:25 AM--Well, it looks like another good day in Plainview, Texas. There's a little chill in the air so the weather seems to know what time of year it is. I noticed the Plainview Bulldogs football team matched our school record last Friday. They won one game. :-) Bet they didn't try as hard as our team did, though.
SEP 9, 03, 9:30 AM--Our thanks to Charlotte Wimp (Thurman) (PHS class of 52) of the Plainview Herald for helping us get the word out.
SEP 9, 03, 12:02 PM--Have you tried printing business cards for the reunion on your own computer and printer? Mine look like a TV set with the vertical hold out of sync. :-(
SEP 9, 03, 5:30 PM--I just added some new pictures to the picture page for those that are interested.
SEP 9, 03, 7:57 PM or SEP 10, 03, 10:57 AM (In Australia)--We now have a "Big Boy" "Who" page courtesy of John Marse and my son Russell in Sydney, Australia. If you click on the little "printer" icon the page will print out on your printer.
SEP 10, 03, 7:51 AM (in the USA)--As the people in Oz say "g'day mate". Its another beautiful day outside. A few whispy clouds but nothing to get upset over. (I could get used to this). I understand that our "Bus Line" (TNM&O) legislators are coming back to Texas. Welcome home...I think?
SEP 10, 03, 11:42 AM--I have just added a bunch of new (?) pictures in no special order to the "Pictures" page courtesy of JOHN MARSE. (Notice how I switch the blame.) ;-)
SEP 11, 03, 7:28 AM--We had rain last night. Sort of like tear'drops from heaven.
SEP 11, 03, 3:26 PM--Jim and John, new names have been added to the Who list indicated by an * for 9/8/03 and a ** for 9/11/03. My thanks to all...keep em coming. :-)
SEP 11, 03, 8:02 PM--Okay...Okay...so you've gotta have your say. I just added a **Classmates Comments** page so say what ya gotta say.
SEP 12, 03, 8:01 AM--It's clear and about 54 deg. outside. Made a drive to Lubbock yesterday. I had forgotten how beautiful the farm crops could be at this time of year. Sure hope they come up with a cure for Alzheimer Disease. I would comment more on the trials and tribulations of being a care taker, but people deserve "some" dignity. seeya
SEP 14, 03, 9:17 AM--I just posted the "Time Machine" courtesy of ANN & JERRY ROWELL. enjoy
SEP 15, 03, 8:23 AM--Its another clear day with the temp. about 54 deg. There's a few interesting clouds to the south of Plainview. Guess they'l bare watching. Only 11 days after today until the reunion. Like I told Carolyn Huggins Hollis a couple of months ago lbs./days=HELP! OMAR! I gotta get another sport coat. (He's my Arab buddy Omar the "tent maker".) seeya
SEP 16, 03, 8:41 AM--Like I said before its a beautiful day in Plainview, Texas. You people outside of Plainview just don't know what you are missing. Clear sky with about 60 deg temp. I read the news this morning and decided my career as an electrical designer was appropriate for me. I'd never make a good newspaper reporter. I'm chicken. (10 more days) seeya
SEP 16, 03, 4:41 PM--I just posted the beginnings of the "Guess Who Photos" page.
SEP 17, 03, 10:25 PM--12 more photos were posted to the "Guess Who Photos" page.
SEP 18, 03, 8:10 AM--It is a little cloudy but clearing. Temp. is 60 deg outside (90 deg inside). I hope our friends in the NC area are ready for the storm. Looks like a bad one. Mother nature has a way of putting us in our place, now and then. seeya a week from tomorrow.
SEP 18, 03, 9:15 PM--I just posted a thankyou to I J for allowing us to share the memories of her scrapbook. See the Guess Who Photos page.
SEP 19, 03, 8:00 PM--Good morning. Its a nice clear day with temp. about 48 deg. outside. I read an article in which the author indicated he thought hurricanes were great because if it were not for hurricanes the piping plovers would not have a place to mate...O...kay...I guess that makes sense...if your a piping plover. Whooooeeee! The reunion is only a week from today. (Not as good a cheer as Donell, Joan and crew could make, but it'll have to do.) seeya
SEP 19, 03, 6:15 PM--Get out those new badges Jim. We just posted more names to the "Who" list.
SEP 20, 03, 8:16 AM--Clear and 52 deg in Plainview this morning. Interesting articles in the news today. LA girl wants to start Caucasian Club because she feels left out of the Asian Club and the Black Student Union. I see where the Canada baseball players are upset about having to play half their "Home" season in Mexico. So what does baseball have to do with our reunion...well it's only six more days which means only 3 days of exercise and baseball is good exercise and... btw I decided that since we have added so many photos and are getting a little short of web space I would remove the Plainview Herald link. Besides, I can always add it back in a few minutes if they have anything important...like the announcement of our reunion. seeya
SEP 20, 03, 8:30 AM--Jim I just added a name to the Who list.
SEP 22, 03, 7:55 AM--Clear and about 56 deg. It's Monday morning. I feel sort of like a Sunday morning talk show politician...sort of empty headed. Ya don't need to count...the reunion is this Friday and Saturday. seeya there
SEP 22, 03, 5:54 PM--Jim, I added a separate class of 53 husband/wife listing in the who list.
SEP 23, 03, 8:13 AM--Clear and about 60 deg. I noticed that Larry Temple and Clyde Herring are going to be at the reunion. They were 1st cornet players in the 53 PHS band. I don't know that we were the Power House of the Planes, but with the instruction of Chief Davidson and O. T. Ryan we maintained our part of the tradition of all 1st ratings. When you get away from Plainview they say your bragging. Seems to me like continuous 1st division ratings in UIL competition for over 60 years is something to brag about. Back to Larry and Clyde. I understand that one became a lawyer and the other became a preacher...hummmm...I guess that should about balance out in the over all scheme of things. seeya
SEP 23, 03, 8:33 AM--Jim there is another addition to the Who page. Kent Taylor and his wife. Kent was part of the fourth grade "MONSTER" line at Highland elementary school.
SEP 23, 03, 8:39 PM--Thanks to Carolyn Huggins (Hollis). She has just been added to the Who's Who center stage of the "Guess Who Photos" section of our web site.
SEP 24, 03, 8:58 AM--Clear and 61 deg....I'm having a little trouble getting my brain in sync with the rest of.. with the rest of my body this morning. I thought you might like to know the weather for the reunion weekend. According to Accuweather: Thu.--hi=73/lo=57, Fri.--hi=85/lo=59, Sat.--hi=86/lo=53, Sun.--hi=73/lo=51. Mostly sunny all four days. I see where the Plainview Bulldogs won their home coming game against Big Spring 51 to 0. I don't know what they are feeding those kids these days, but wish we could have had a double dose in our day. It was just as much fun back then, though. seeya
SEP 25, 03, 9:30 AM--Cloudy and 61 deg. I'm a little late this morning. I got up and looked at the news...went back to bed so I could get up on the other side. I got my hair cut, have my new sport tent...errr coat and I'm ready for the reunion tomorrow. seeya
SEP 25, 03, 9:15 PM--I added the school song sheet music and words. I also added a Plainview Bulldog at the top of the "Home" page courtesy of Norman Huggins and KKYN. Welcome to those who have already made their way back to old Plainview. g'night
SEP 26, 03, 7:39 AM--Clear and 54 deg. HEAR YEE! HEAR YEE! HEAR YEE! YE OL CLASS OF 1953 IS INVITED TO MEET AT 7:00 PM ON THIS DAY AT YE OL PLAINVIEW COUNTRY CLUB....(so why are you talking so stupid...well...my first name is Harold.) seeya this evening
SEP 26, 03, 5:23 PM--I told you I would add the Plainview Herald link back on the web site if they ran an article on our reunion....they did and I did. :-) seeya in a little bit.
SEP 27, 03, 8:30 AM--Well, Carolyn, I.J., Rex, Jeri, Patsy, Jake, Jerry, John and Jim you did it. What a fine evening. I may be proud to be an American, but I'm just as proud to be part of the Class of 53. What an outstanding group of people. I guess you don't join a group like this. You are just part of it and what a wonderful feeling. Now...if I could find a comfortable position to stop my back and feet from hurting from standing too much...ouch... seeya this evening
SEP 28, 03, 8:15 AM--58 deg and a little cloudy. I think the moisture in those clouds comes from the tears of Gods laughter and a few tears for those that have given all. Each of us now have memories of how we were and of how we are today. I'm sure God is proud of the Class of 53. I know that I am. seeya
SEP 30, 03, 7:24 AM--57 deg and I think clear (Its still dark outside.). I really appreciate the articles about Donell, Fred and Larry in the Plainview Herald. Its a strong possibility that you could write an interesting book on the life of each one of the Class of 53, although, I'm not sure anyone at the reunion thought much about past history. We were too busy talking and laughing, and laughing, and laughing and enjoying getting to know old friends again. Of course there were a lot of tears also, some because we were happy and some because we were sad. You folks that made it home just settle back and enjoy your memories. Those of you that are still on your way home be careful and give a HOWDY! to the folks along the road. seeya
SEP 30, 03, 8:48 AM--Well, since I didn't say anything yesterday maybe you will forgive me for getting something off my mind this morning. Since Donell and Grant were part of our reunion and although nothing was said about their concern for Baylor I have a comment. Baylor always has been a Great University. It is a Great University, and it always will be a Great University. So, you younger people that would like to be part of Baylor "get after it!". After all you are the part of the university that makes it great anyway. (Gosh, since my wife and I went to Tech and my two sons went to UT "TEXAS" I must be getting soft in my old age. I'm sure the Aggies agree...about the university, that is.)
SEP 30, 03, 2:32 PM--Yepeeeeee! it works. My son Michael helped me figure a way to put as many photos and comments on the web page as we would like. There are over 100 now and I'm ready for any more that anyone cares to send.
OCT 2, 03, 7:36 AM--Looks a little cloudy and 48 deg. Since I am trying to add names to the photos I have suddenly become sensitive to strange things. Did ya ever wonder who puts all those little names below the photographs in the newspaper? You know "(left to right) Sally, Jim, John". What a monumental task. There should be a life time award for that special person on the newspaper staff. You know, something like "Greatest Name Dropper" or something like that. seeya
OCT 2, 03, 4:25 PM--All of the "Reunion Photos" now have names under the picture courtesy of I.J. West. (See how easily I shifted the blame for incorrect names again.) seeya
OCT 4, 03, 7:43 AM--I just added the "Group Photo" and "names" to the web site. seeya
OCT 5, 03, 8:52 AM--If you are looking for the 1953 50th class reunion photograph in the Plainview Herald you will find a small black and white image on page 6B of the second section of the paper. It's between "Back in Time" and Hemingway grandkids with no comment...hummmmmmmmm...guess we are not part of the "!SPORTS!" scene anymore. seeya
OCT 9, 03, 4:25 PM--I have just added "Batch 2" photos. enjoy seeya
NOV 17, 03, 12:04PM--For anyone who is still interested I am working on
a final set of photographs to put on the site. After that, unless someone
has something that they would like to add, I will let the site sleep for a
FEB 12, 04, 4:27PM--I know that you really didn't believe that I would ever get the last batch of pictures on the web site, but HERE THEY ARE! With I.J's help on the names and Carolyn, Charlotte and John taking the pictures they are finally here. Just so you will know, I will leave the web site as it is for a week or so and then change it to a post reunion site. Please let me know if there are any name corrections. You can identify the picture by holding the curser over the picture.