Class of 1954 50th Reunion

Reunion Award Winners

Most Hair....................... Russell Clarence Sikes

Least Hair...................... James Wolfington

Best Gray Hair.............. Darlene Sanders

Best Grecian
Formula Look................ Shelby Stapleton (tie)
                                           Norm Huggins

Youngest Looking ........ Fred Ormand

Most Children
Biological.........................Paul Emmitt - 4
                                            Patsy Hoermann - 4
                                            Clarence Sikes - 4

Most Children
Blended............................ Dale Newton - 8

Most Grandchildren......Charles Rackley - 11

Most Great
............... Clarence Sikes - 6

Youngest Child...............Paul Emmitt - 28

Moved Most Times.........Noble Crawford - 30

Traveled Greatest
Distance to Reunion
......Gayle McClain - Connecticut

Married Least Time
........................ Dorothy Lass Christ - Hugh Tilson
                                          5 months, 17 days, ? minutes

Married Longest............Wanda & Joe Leach
                                           50 years, 6 months, 4 days