Plainview High School Class of 1954
50th Reunion June 11-13, 2004
Reunion Activities
Friday, June 11 Friday, June 11 7:00 p.m. Remember When…. Party
Plainview Country Club
Hors D’Oeuvres
Casual Dress
Saturday, June 12 6:30-9:30 Continental breakfast
Holiday Inn Express
Free time Visit, golf, antique shops
12:00-2:00 Lunch - Elk Horn Grill
neat place, live elk
Free time
6:30 p.m. Class group pictures
Plainview Country Club
Cost $12, pay photographer
7:00 p.m. Banquet (no dance)
Plainview Country Club
a) Entertainment
b) Program
Sunday, June 13 6:30-9:30 “Goodbye” Continental Breakfast
Holiday Inn Express
Motel Reservations
Call the Plainview Holiday Inn Express directly at 806-296-9900.
Tell them you are with the Plainview High Class of 1954.
If you have a problem getting a reservation or the reduced rate, please email or call me.
A block of 50 rooms has been reserved until April 30 at a special rate of $50
plus tax per night on any room except those with a Jacuzzi, which are $125.
After April 30, the rate will still be the same but rooms will not be reserved
and will be subject to availability. Rate includes continental breakfast.
Memory Book
Jerre Jackson Knoblock has volunteered to put together a memory book.
Please sit down right now and write a brief history (one page) about your past 50 years.
Please send your history even if you are unable to attend the Reunion.
Please send your history to: Jerre Knoblock
141 Timberlake Drive
Azle, Texas 76020-4039
Sylvia (Rogers) Curry has volunteered to work up the decorations.
Patsy and Shelby Stapleton are making name tags with high school picture.
Frank Cave has very generously offered to design and provide Reunion souvenir T-shirts
to alums and spouses who attend.
Lester North, Bobby Davis, Donald Terrell, Carrol Stine, Jerry Dee Miller, Dorothy Lass,
Bob Meeks, Patsy Duncan, Treva White and Bobby Crues have offered to help.
Dale Schwartz lives in Lubbock and has offered to provide van transportation from the
Lubbock airport to Plainview and return to Lubbock.
Call him at 806-745-9963 to provide flight # and time of arrival.
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Reunion Registration
Cost per person is $60
(includes Friday night party, Saturday lunch and Saturday night banquet.
Optional events are Dutch treat. Cash bar.
Send registration form w/check payable to Plainview High School Class of ‘54.
Please return to: Norman Huggins home: 806-293-2297
911 Jefferson St.
Plainview, TX 79072 email:
Name ______________________________
Spouse/guest ______________________________
Address ______________________________
Mailing address if different ______________________________
Home phone # ______________________________
E-mail address ______________________________
Are you interested in playing golf on Saturday morning? Yes ___ No___
Are you interested in the antique tour? Yes ___ No___
Will you be making a reservation at the Holiday Inn? Yes ___ No___
Will you need transportation from Lubbock Airport? Yes ___ No___
Will you attend the lunch Saturday at the Elk Horn Grill? Yes ___ No___
(live elk, swimming pond, neat surroundings, great hamburgers, hot home made tostados,
salsa dip, chili con queso dip, ice tea or soft drink