Before I post Norm’s notice I thought I would call your attention to a new and neat web site. If you will click on the link in Norm’s notice it will take you to the All School reunion site.
Plainview High All School Reunion
Click on above website for All-School EventsInformation on Reunion will be mailed later.
Get your motel reservation now, you can cancel if necessary, nearly
impossible later.
Holiday Inn Express 806-296-9900
Comfort Suites 806-293-7700****************************** ****************************** ****************
Get your motel reservation now, you can cancel if necessary, nearly
impossible later.
Holiday Inn Express 806-296-9900
Comfort Suites 806-293-7700******************************
Saturday – our classes – preliminary plan
9:30 – 11:30 a.m. “Light Brunch – 911 Jefferson (Huggins backyard)
(open to all classes)
12:00 noon Dutch Treat Lunch – Catered by Connie Joe’s Chinese
Food – Tom & Connie Joe’s backyard patio – 1 block north of 911 Jefferson.
(for classes of “52-53-54” and Mar-Jo’s “57”class)